Matthew Sommer

Matthew is a partner and Chief Strategy Officer at Brolik. As CSO, he manages the digital marketing team, helping Brolik’s roster of clients achieve their online marketing goals. When he’s not coming up with his next big campaign idea, you might find him in the recording studio or enjoying an IPA with a funny name. Check him out on Twitter.

Positioning Disruption (Q&A with Matthew Sommer)

Positioning Disruption (Q&A with Matthew Sommer)

By Thursday March 15th, 2018

The term “Disruption” has become part of the public consciousness as a way to describe new businesses that are leveraging technology to unseat incumbent market leaders using a new model. We spoke with Brolik partner and Chief Strategy Officer, Matt Sommer about the challenges and advantages of disruptive companies and positioning them for success.

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How To Be Creative

How to be Creative

By Friday January 6th, 2017

Creativity and problem solving aren’t superpowers that only a few chosen geniuses possess. We can all improve our propensity for “eureka moments,” it just takes a little bit of hard work.

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Facebook’s 20% Rule Revisited

Facebook’s 20% Rule Revisited

By Friday October 21st, 2016

This article is a quick update to an article I wrote two years ago when Facebook initially rolled out the 20% rule on their advertising platform. A lot has changed since then, so it seems like a good time to take another look.

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Facebook 20% Rule

3 Tips for Beating Facebook’s 20% Rule

By Monday August 4th, 2014

In the last several months, Facebook has been making small changes to their platform so quickly that it can be difficult to keep up. There have been few changes to the Facebook platform that we have found more annoying than the “20% rule.”

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