The Brolik Blog

We love launching brands, creating entertaining content and designing smart, friendly websites and applications. We also like to discuss our experiences and advice regarding these topics here on the Brolik Blog.

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Coding: Genius vs. Monkey

By Wednesday June 22nd, 2011

Recently, a client asked: "How much of coding needs a genius and how much of it can a monkey do?” This is a pertinent question, and I believe I can shed a little light on it.

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Learn To Love What You’re Good At

By Wednesday June 22nd, 2011

You know the phrase, “do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life?” I’d like to propose a variation... “do what you love, focus on it, get really good at it, and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

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Make Sure To Code My Site in HTML5

By Tuesday March 15th, 2011

The vast amount of information available on the Internet and the increasing tech-savvy of today’s business owners is fostering a new understanding of web design, application development, social media, and more. But with all the information out there, make sure you separate the facts from the buzzwords.

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Mobile Site vs. Mobile App: What You Need to Know About Going Mobile

By Wednesday March 2nd, 2011

As an agency executive, marketer or business decision maker, you’re constantly considering your mobile marketing strategy and how much time and attention you’re devoting to mobile products and initiatives. The debate is no longer “should we” create a mobile site or optimize for mobile users, it’s now “how should we?”

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Social Media: Are You Convinced Yet?

By Friday November 26th, 2010

Even with convincing arguments from marketing directors, you have to wonder why CFOs and CEOs are sitting and waiting for more financial proof before they carve out a line for social media in their budgets, as if ROI (a very specific financial measurement) is the only metric to quantify the value of social media spend. What about brand saturation, engagement, loyalty and reputation with consumers?

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Brolik Value Proposition, Round 2

By Tuesday November 2nd, 2010

I recently met a newcomer to Philadelphia at a Chamber of Commerce orientation who is positioning himself as a sales trainer that can help clients leverage social media brand strategies to increase referrals and sales. Not only is he providing an updated twist on the generic "sales coach" profession by consulting clients on a developing marketing tool that folks seem to struggle with, he realizes the importance of making sure a captive audience understands his value proposition.

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