By Jason Brewer
Friday November 26th, 2010
Even with convincing arguments from marketing directors, you have to wonder why CFOs and CEOs are sitting and waiting for more financial proof before they carve out a line for social media in their budgets, as if ROI (a very specific financial measurement) is the only metric to quantify the value of social media spend. What about brand saturation, engagement, loyalty and reputation with consumers?
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By Samuel Huntington
Tuesday November 2nd, 2010
I recently met a newcomer to Philadelphia at a Chamber of Commerce orientation who is positioning himself as a sales trainer that can help clients leverage social media brand strategies to increase referrals and sales. Not only is he providing an updated twist on the generic "sales coach" profession by consulting clients on a developing marketing tool that folks seem to struggle with, he realizes the importance of making sure a captive audience understands his value proposition.
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By Jason Brewer
Monday October 25th, 2010
Customers want to interact, control and share their purchasing. Some big brands are responding, using consumer interaction and feedback as the crux of their campaigns. Here are some non-traditional campaign strategies that are quickly becoming commonplace in the digital world.
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By Matthew Sommer
Wednesday October 13th, 2010
3 ways that setting up a corporate blog can get website traffic and increase customer engagement.
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By Jason Monte
Tuesday September 14th, 2010
Has a business relationship ever become tense or soured due to unforeseeable snags in the plan? This tension can be... View Article
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By Jason Brewer
Monday August 30th, 2010
You need to think like a blockbuster and grind like an indie. Assume you’re going to have to do it yourself but utilize as many partners as you can in the process. It’s going to take some smarts, some serious nichebusting and probably a crazy stunt or two to get your indie film noticed.
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By Samuel Huntington
Tuesday August 17th, 2010
This last couple weeks rounds out my first year at Brolik, so I’m in prime reminiscing form to reflect on why this agency is so special...
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By Jason Brewer
Friday August 6th, 2010
The iPad is not just a reader or a consumer product. It just might be the perfect tool for corporate sales.
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By Jason Brewer
Friday July 30th, 2010
July is a perfect time to step back, evaluate your brand and processes, and consider enhancements.
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By Jason Brewer
Thursday July 15th, 2010
Four questions before your website redesign: Are you engaging? Do visitors know what you do? Do you have a personality? Are you guiding your customers?
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