Summit Steel Logo

Summit Steel is Showing the Manufacturing Industry How to Win with Digital Marketing

How do you position a brand whose manufacturing ranges from fabrication of airplane parts to the smallest valve in an artificial heart? This was the challenge for Summit Steel, a global steel manufacturer and fabricator based out of Pennsylvania.

Summit Steel manufactures custom steel parts, servicing each step in the process from blueprints to powder coating.

Summit Steel decided to put a stake in the ground in 2013, refusing to accept a mediocre web presence like many of their competitors.

Summit Steel's Responsive Website

Web Design

Our goal was for customers to see the full range of Summit Steel’s offerings, the scale of their operations and their dedication to quality before ever setting foot in the Summit Steel facility.

Visit the Website

The Summit Steel & Manufacturing Website


Industries, Quality, and Case Study Pages

Summit Steel Industries Page

Summit Steel Pages

We developed the new website to highlight their range of industries served and capabilities offered.

Summit Steel's Capabilities

An Opportunity

Additionally, Summit Steel launched a separate division to sell vertical storage carousels, a new stand-alone product.

At first Summit Steel’s vertical storage product was given a page on the main corporate site, but it was confusing to users and holding back sales.

Summit Steel's Responsive Website

We advised Summit Steel to give Summit Storage its own brand and web presence, and facilitated the design and development of a separate website.

Visit the Website

And It Worked!

Inbound leads quickly increased after launching the new Summit Storage site in July, 2015.

Summit Steel Inbound Leads Graph

“The Brolik team was thorough, organized, impressive, and precise in their execution of the plan. Because of Brolik, we believe our company now has the “best” website and marketing in our industry.”

Gary Romig
President at Summit Steel

Digital Marketing

With a better site in place, Summit Steel looked to increase quality leads through digital marketing.

Brolik launched a PPC and Display Advertising campaign targeted at procurement officers of large companies that Summit wanted as customers.

Improvements to on-page SEO and paid ad campaigns led to favorable results in the first six months of the marketing campaign.

Summit Steel Display Ads

We’re Number 1 (And 2)!

Summit Steel became the #1 and #2 Google Search Result for “Steel Manufacturing Company” nationally!

Google SERP

Triple the Leads

Summit Steel Inbound Leads Graph

With improvements across the board, Summit Steel saw a 238% increase in leads from Q3 2014 to Q3 2015.

The Problem

The leads were flowing in, but something wasn’t adding up.

The leads we were tracking through our digital marketing campaigns weren’t matching up with Summit Steel’s pipeline. It took some digging to reveal what was going on.

“Using an application called CallRail, we were able to pinpoint some holes in the sales funnel beginning with the initial sales call dialogue. There was no consistent process to handle inbound leads and it was hurting Summit’s sales.”

Bryce Liggins
Senior Marketing Strategist at Brolik

We trimmed back our online advertising efforts to prevent wasted spend and focused our energy on building out a better process for handling leads that included a Phone Lead Form and Leads Dashboard.

Summit Steel Phone Leads on the Digital Strategy Dashboard

The Phone Lead Form is used by the staff at Summit Steel to organize inbound leads and then distribute them to their sales reps through the Leads Dashboard.

With these improvements we finally established a good feedback loop with Summit Steel and started refining our campaigns based on their feedback.

The Results

As a direct result of our digital marketing efforts, Summit Steel secured two major contracts in the first year with Brolik.

In an industry where one or two contracts can make your year, Brolik’s digital marketing efforts proved to be the difference maker for Summit Steel.

“We have more organization than ever, and the advice and tools Brolik has provided us are improving the bottom line. In Brolik, we have a team of problem solvers, not just web designers and marketers.”

Gary Romig
President at Summit Steel

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